PDF! Soal dan Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Pretest PPG Kemenag 2024, The Following Are Among the Questions

- 4 Maret 2024, 14:03 WIB
Kisi kisi materi soal dan kunci jawaban pretest PPG Kemenag 2024 PDF pelajaran Bahasa Inggris tingkat MI untuk guru madrasah
Kisi kisi materi soal dan kunci jawaban pretest PPG Kemenag 2024 PDF pelajaran Bahasa Inggris tingkat MI untuk guru madrasah /Pixsabay/StartupStockPhotos

5. When you see a large piece of silk or other cloth, with a device or motto and it is put in some conspicuous place, it is called as …

a. poster
b. banner
c. notice
d. graphic


6. If you are going to present the process of a complete metamorphosis of butterflies, the most appropriate type of graphic organizer you can use is ….

a. description graphic organizer
b. sequence graphic organizer
c. cause and effect graphic organizer
d. problem and solution graphic organizer

7. Which of the following social functions for using graphic organizers help learners add or alter their background knowledge?

a. tools for depicting knowledge and understanding
b. tools for self-learning
c. tools for organizing information
d. tools for critical and creative thinking

8. If you want to present survey data, what type of infographic suits your goal?

a. Process infographic
b. Hierarchical infographic
c. Geographic infographic
d. Statistical infographic

9. What is the main function of hierarchical infographics?

a. to share a collection of tips
b. to arrange information from greatest to least
c. to provide a summary/ overview of steps in process
d. to visualize the history of something


Editor: Sauqi Romdani


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