Ternyata Ini Adalah Rahasia Lulus Tes Toufel! 100% Score Maksimal

- 30 Juni 2024, 07:47 WIB
Rahasia lulus tes toufel
Rahasia lulus tes toufel /@LPDP_RI/

14. While attempting to reach his home before the storm,_______________
A. the bicycle of John broke down
B. it happened that John’s bike broke down
C. the storm caught John
D. John had an accident on his bicycle

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15. The changes in this city have occurred _________________
A. with swiftness
B. rapidly
C. fastly
D. in rapid ways

Jawaban dan Pembahasan 

1. (C) trying to avoid the enemy,
Pembahasan: sangat mudah dipahami dari pendekatan makna

2. (D) of the happiest children in the class
Pembahasan: one of the + plural nouns (children)

3. (B) After entering the new school,
A. Having entered school in the new city, it was found that –> it mengarah ke mana?
B. After entering the new school,
C. When he had been entering the new school, –> penggunaan tense yg tidak tepat
D. Upon entering into the new school, –> enter + noun

4. (C) it grows well with little care

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A. it grows very carelessly –> carelessly hanya digunakan untuk animal dan people
B. or it`s growth without attention –> it’s —> its
C. it grows well with little care
D. it doesn`t care much to grow –> kata care megacu ke ‘perasaan’ yang seharusnya tidak ditujukan ke tumbuhan marijuana

5. (B) indicates that we are very eager to learn all we can about our solar system


Editor: Khoirul Umam


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