Contoh Soal Toefl dan Pembahasan 2024 Singkat dan Jelas, Sudah Ada Jawaban untuk Bisa Memahami dan Mengerti

- 28 Juni 2024, 19:30 WIB
Contoh soal TOEFL  dan Pembahasan 2024 yang singkat dan jelas - udah tersedia jawaban yang memudahkan untuk memahami dan mengerti
Contoh soal TOEFL dan Pembahasan 2024 yang singkat dan jelas - udah tersedia jawaban yang memudahkan untuk memahami dan mengerti /

8. (C) in the areas of funding and programming
A. because they receive money differently and different types of shows –> salah pemilihan kata
B. for money and program types —> salah pemilihan kata
C. in the areas of funding and programming
D. because the former receives money and has programs differently from the latter –> different from

9. (A) for a larger profit margin
A. for a larger profit margin
B. in place of to earn more money –> of + noun
C. to gain more quantities of money –> salah makna / kalimat tidak membahas quantities of money
D. and instead earn a bigger amount of profit –> bigger umum digunakan dalam situasi informal

10. (B) has been rather erratic recently
10. Automobile production in the United States ____________
A. have taken slumps and rises in recent years –> have (plural)
B. has been rather erratic recently
C. has been erratically lately –> been verb (linking verb) + adverb
D. are going up and down all the time –> are (plural)

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11. (A) is that windows have been eliminates while air conditioning systems have not been perfected
A. is that windows have been eliminates while air conditioning systems have not been perfected
B. is they have eliminated windows and still don’t have good air conditioning –> they mengarah ke?
C. is because windows are eliminated but air conditioners don’t work good –> work well
D. is dependent on the fact that while they have eliminated windows, they are not capable to produce efficient air conditioning systems –> capable + of + verb-ing

12. (D) as fast as his car
Pembahasan: equal comparison –>as … as

13. (B) very slightly
Pembahasanimproved+ adverb (very slightly)

14. (D) John had an accident on his bicycle
PembahasanReduction in adverbial clause –> while John was attempting to reach his home before the storm, John had an accident on his bicycle
Prinsip: clause yang bisa di reduksi hanyalah klausa yang mempunyai subjek sama

15. (B) rapidly
Pembahasan: have occurred + adverb(rapidly)

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Editor: Alif Iqbahtullah


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